What is the deal with building ourselves an image as if we were a brand to be published or just another piece of marketing?

How much materialized is people this days?

I really think we should try and get back to being just people, just a regular person who doesn’t expect to be famous or recognized for what they do, the way they dress or talks or whatever.

The world should go back to be full of people who are just happy to enjoy their lives, who love to do a simple job and spend quality time with otter people; a world based on real love, and not that manufactured recognition that we get from how many likes i got in a photo or a post; we should remember that those things are just a grain of sand to fill the emptiness of our huge void of love.

The kind of love that comes from actually communicate with others, in simple and basic ways; without it being necessarily thru a computer or cellphone or any other device.

Yes, is grate to be able to use all of this tools and share our every thought with the whole world, instead of just a few people. But we are building fake relationships, leaving aside the really important ones, and evading the opportunities to create new, real relationships.

There`s so many people  meeting on line, building friendships, romantic relationships, affairs… and that is awesome, we can learn about other cultures, and is prove that space is no longer a limit for us.

But how real are this relationships? how many lies are being told? How many of this relationships actually make it to real life?

And what happens with the actual real relationships that this people have in their lives? how many friendships or romances are being put on a side because an online person came in?

And even worst, how many relationships are lost for trying to keep a grate account in a social network?

We are no machines, we are not a software inside a computer; we are humans, and humans need to interact with each other, constantly and on real bases; empathy is a wonderful experience that we can have, and is at its best when it happens in «real life» .

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